Army BYOD with Hypori Halo

Access NIPRNET from your own phone

Army BYOD with Hypori Halo is an Army Approved Enterprise Capability

U.S. Army, National Guard, Army Reserve, Civilian, and Contractor personnel with an “” account can use Army BYOD with Hypori Halo to access NIPRNet, Army 365 Email, Teams, MyPay, IPPS-A, CAC-enabled websites, and more - from their own smartphones or tablets.

Access A365 email, teams, & more from your smartphone anytime, anywhere

100% separation of government & personal data

Send & receive encrypted emails - Digitally sign documents

Only carry 1 device to conduct personal & official business

Watch how easy it is to access Army data using the single Hypori Halo app from your personal phone.

Performance Enhancements are Underway

Army BYOD has moved from Azure to AWS. This means faster performance, improved technology capabilities, and better user experience.

Existing Users: Keep an eye out for an email with subject “FOR ACTION: BYOD (Hypori) Transition Notification” for simple, step-by-step instructions. 

BYOD with 100% privacy. 

The Army can’t access your personal data on your device and Hypori Halo doesn’t download or store Army data on your phone.  No data stored means no data to lose or leak.

No need for the Army to access your device! 

SGT Allen securely accesses the Army network through Hypori Halo.
(U.S. Army photo by Gabriel Archer)

Army implements enhanced security measures for data”

Link to Army article.

enroll for access

Maintain your access and ability to communicate with the Army on YOUR TERMS from your own device - with 100% privacy.

Use NIPRNET (including AVD) to access the BYOD Hypori Hub and enroll today:

user guides and More in the Army byod hypori Hub

Use your Hypori Halo virtual workspace, NIPRNet, or AVD to access.