What is Hypori Halo?
Hypori Halo delivers secure access to enterprise apps and data via a separate, secure virtual device from any smartphone or tablet. It uses cloud-based, zero-trust architecture, guarantees no data on the device, and 100% separation of personal and enterprise data. Hypori Halo empowers employees on their personal devices while remaining compliant and reducing company cost, liability, and security risks.
What’s the difference between Hypori Halo and MDM?
Hypori Halo keeps all of your enterprise data remote, which closes the door to hackers, malware, or malicious apps on the physical device. Hypori Halo as a virtual device solution for secure BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) doesn’t require access to the physical device, eliminates device inventory, dramatically reduces hardware costs, and minimizes licensing fees. Hypori eliminates the administrative headaches of BYOD and allows administrators to manage and develop in a single environment.
MDM and MAM solutions require device management, access to the user’s personal device, allowing data at rest on the device, and opening the door for data to be lost, stolen, or hacked. MDM and MAM infringe on end-user privacy while Hypori Halo guarantees 100% end-user privacy.
What devices are supported?
Hypori Halo is compatible with iPhone®, iPad®, Android™, and Windows® devices.
Does Hypori Halo require me to enroll my device?
No, Hypori Halo will protect data without the need for any device enrollment since it doesn’t need to manage devices used by employees or partners to access work files.
How do my employees access the Hypori app?
Your employees can access Hypori Halo for Android through the Google Play store. Hypori Halo for iPhone and iPad can be downloaded from the App Store® online. Hypori Halo for Windows can be downloaded from the Microsoft Store online.
Can I have multiple virtual devices/workspaces?
Yes, you can access multiple virtual workspaces on a single physical device.
One Hypori Halo license allows access to multiple virtual workspaces and they are accessible on any device.
Does Hypori meet compliance standards?
Hypori has maintained NIAP Common Criteria certification since 2016 and is currently under contract with Leidos, Inc. Common Criteria Testing Lab to meet renewal evaluations for NIAP and Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC) programs TLS applications.
Does Hypori Halo gain control over my personal handset and data?
No, Hypori Halo is an agentless app that guarantees 100% separation of personal and corporate data.
Will Hypori Halo slow down my device or drain the battery?
No, Hypori Halo does not negatively impact your device’s performance or battery life.
What happens if an employee loses their phone?
If an employee loses their phone, the company admin can lock that user’s Hypori Halo app with a single click. Locking or removing the Hypori Halo virtual device, with no effect to the user’s physical device. Since there is no data on the phone, no further action is required.
What if an employee no longer wants Hypori Halo on their device?
End users can uninstall Hypori Halo from their devices at any time.
What happens when an employee leaves the organization?
With one click, an intuitive administrative console enables rapid shutdown of any user’s access to the Hypori Halo environment.
How can I get Hypori Halo for my organization?
Hypori Halo is available in the following SaaS deployment models to cater to the varying needs of customers:
Hypori Cloud: Hypori operates and maintains an environment running Hypori Halo in a public cloud of Hypori’s choosing.
Hypori Named Cloud: Hypori operates and maintains an environment running Hypori Halo in a public cloud, with the customer selecting their cloud provider of choice from a supported provider list.
Hypori IL5 in AWS GovCloud: Hypori operates and maintains an environment running Hypori Halo in AWS GovCloud. this option is ideal for DOD Mission Owners and Partners who need access to National Security Systems (NSS) (i.e. NIPRNet) and environments storing and processing CUI.
Hypori Private: Hypori operates and maintains an environment running Hypori Halo within a customer-owned public cloud account (or a customer’s data center if the cloud is not an option). This option is ideal for customers who need their data located within their own network.
Can Hypori Halo be deployed/installed remotely? Any on-premise requirements?
Hypori is a “Cloud-first” company, the entire environment is deployed into a Cloud solution. In most cases, there is no requirement for an engineer to perform any on-prem work.
Do you have any helpful “How to” videos?
Yes! We created a playlist of videos that will help you personalize and navigate your Hypori Halo device – such as changing display size, organizing folders, and creating app shortcuts!
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