TEM 12: Focusing on Accelerating Network Transformation
Securing the network is the Army’s number one transformation priority.
Hypori is proud to make a difference as the U.S. Army's BYOD enterprise capability, enabling users to access critical collaboration and operational resources from anywhere, at any time.
Beginning on June 1, Army users will no longer be able to use a CAC reader and a personal laptop to access their Army email.
KEEP YOUR ACCESS on your OWN TERMS on your OWN PHONE with 100% personal privacy - enroll in Army BYOD with Hypori Halo to maintain easy access to Army 365 services.
Find us by the registration table to enroll in Army BYOD with Hypori Halo.
Not Attending? Enroll now
Access Army 365 Email, Teams, MyPay, IPPS-A, CAC-enabled websites, and NIPRNet - from your own smartphone or tablet.
Army BYOD is available to U.S. Army, National Guard, and Reserve.