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AUSA 2023

  • Walter E. Washington Convention Center 801 Mount Vernon Place Northwest Washington, DC, 20001 United States (map)

The Army’s Most Powerful Event Covers Everything You Need – All in One Place.

The Association of the United States Army’s Annual Meeting (AUSA) is the largest land power exposition and professional development forum in North America. AUSA delivers informative and relevant presentations on the State-of-the-Army, panel discussions and seminars on pertinent military and national security subjects, and a variety of valuable networking events.

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Meet Hypori in Booth #560

Find us in the Veteran's Pavilion located in Exhibit Hall A.

Learn why the U.S. Army chose Hypori Halo virtual BYOD as an enterprise capability for secure virtual mobility:

  • 100% user privacy

  • The Army NEVER has access or visibility into your personal device or personal data

  • Authorized to process CUI securely & conduct official business from your personal device

  • Only carry one device

Meet us for a live demo or request one now!

ARMY BYOD is here - Act NOw

Sign up for Army BYOD in our booth at TechNet Augusta for on-the-go-access to email, teams, chat, myPay, and more from your own phone.

Gain secure access to NIPRNet, A365, MS Teams, MyPay and more in the cARMY cloud from any personal mobile device using the Hypori Halo app. 

To learn more, visit the Army BYOD page.

Find Hypori in Booth 560 to enroll onsite.

ENROLL ONLINE: Use a CAC-enabled device to access the BYOD Hypori Hub.

September 19

DIA TECHINT Conference

October 17

Innovation Day at Fort Huachuca