Protection against cyber attacks
Military-grade security, zero-trust architecture, and 100% separation of personal and government data make Hypori Halo the most secure and scalable virtual mobile workspace on the market today. No data at rest on the device means reduced liability and security risks for employers.
Find Wayne Lewandowski and Michael Turner in Booth B1 at NATO Edge to learn how Hypori protects critical networks from the risk of cyber attacks.
Secure Mobile Access for Global Executives in Aggressive Environments
Managed Device
International travel poses a significant risk for information to be intercepted, confiscated, lost, or stolen.
At checkpoints, spyware and ransomware can be covertly installed and returned to the user without their knowledge.
Device with Hypori
The Hypori Halo workspace leaves no data footprint on the physical device. Data duplication tools will find no enterprise data to copy.
With cloud isolation of corporate data and 100% separation from the physical device, malware has no access to enterprise data.
Hypori Achieves DOD IL4 and IL5 PA for Hypori Halo SaaS
DISA has granted Hypori Halo Provisional Authorization (PA) at IL4 and IL5. Mission Owners and Partners can now securely connect to DoD information resources from mobile devices with Hypori Halo.